Friday, October 11, 2013

October @Stridebox Review

Got my first Stridebox today!  More info about Stridbox can be found here:

Here’s the little box that was in the mailbox:

Smaller box than I expected, but packed!

Inside, in recognition of breast cancer awareness, there was a pink “Run for a Cause” sitcker, and the wrap was pink:

The first thing I pulled out was a sample of Perform pain relieving gel.  I’ve never used it; however, it is from the makers of BioFreeze, which is a product I’ve used.  It is great for temporarily relieving spot pain, so I’m assuming Perform is similar.  I've used it when I can't sleep because an ankle is nagging me, for instance.  I’m sure I’ll find a use for Perform in the future, as I tend to hurt from time to time!

From the makers of BioFreeze; for when it really hurts!

Next is a couple of sample packages of RockTape.  Again, not a product I’ve used, but it seems to be similar to KT Tape…which again I have used.  I’ve had some success with KT Tape before, so this should be useful as well.

RockTape...StrideBox must think I'm likely to be in pain in October!  (They're probably right)

Fluid natural performance sports drink is next.  From what I’ve read, it is what it says: an electrolyte replacement drink mix that is made from clean, natural ingredients.  I’ll give this a shot soon and see what I think.

A “That’s It” bar was included.  Simple concept: the bar is made from an apple and from cherries, and is “free” of all the bad fillers.  Marketing is straight to the point.  I’ll be interested to try this, as well.

The natural stuff!

I’m very familiar with Honey Stinger Waffles!  I’ve never had a chocolate one, but I love the regular versions.  I’ve been eating them prior to my weekend long runs, so I’m looking forward to slamming this one down, as well. 

Interesting energy gel: Chocolate #9.  This gel does not have sugar, but is sweetened instead with agave.  Supposedly it will not result in a sugar high/low, but a steady supply of energy.  Not sure how I’ll do with Chocolate gels on long runs, but I’m willing to try and see what I think. 

Ignore the Lance Armstrong endorsement; Honey Stingers are great!
Continuing with the natural theme, there is a Raspberry Fig Bar that is 100% natural in the box. 

Finally, a little “backpack bag;” I’m not sure what you call them, but I have a few that I’ve gotten from trade shows and from expos.  This one is mesh, though; it would be good for workout clothes. 

I’m looking forward to trying out the products; that is what Stridebox is all about.  Maybe I’ll find something that I’ll like for the future!

Enjoy your progress!


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