Friday, October 21, 2011

Almost There...

The day is nearly here!  My first half marathon is Sunday.  Or maybe it is better to say my primary physical goal for 2011 is here.  When I think of it in those terms, I get pretty excited about it.  To think that all those runs I’ve done since I first set foot on the treadmill will culminate into 13.1 miles on Sunday is motivating and overwhelming at the same time.

I wouldn’t say I have jitters; I honestly think I have prepared about as well as can be expected.  For that, I am proud.  No matter how the race turns out, it is hard to believe how far I have come.  My life has truly changed over the last eight months.  I have been inspired by others, but nothing makes me feel better in life than to inspire a few others myself. 

Funny that my training started in my basement on the treadmill, and it looks like it will end there.  My last training run was a 3 miler on the hamster wheel.  I can’t say I enjoyed it; I’ve come to appreciate running outdoors.  But cold weather drove me inside and I didn’t want to try anything new (cold weather running) before the half.  As of now, the weather they are calling for on Sunday looks pretty good. 

One step at a time, right?  Well, I do already have some plans in mind for 2012, but I know if I get through 13.1 I should take a few moments to bask in the glory (I hope).  I feel so appreciative of the people I’ve met along the way to get me here.  As much as I am proud of myself, I had no idea of the support that I would receive from other runners via DailyMile, blogs, podcasts, Twitter, Google +, etc.  I wish I could thank them all personally, but I’m sure I’d forget someone in the process.  I am so thankful for all the help.

But I’m getting ahead of myself.  I’m still a couple of days away from the race, but I’m ready to go! 

Enjoy your progress,



  1. Travis, you have worked so hard, and now it's time to reap your reward with an excellent HM performance sunday. The RnR races are so fun man, so just get out there and bask in your moment. you deserve it!
